
Yep, twisting it into Sawyer's story means that his decision in the brig is more visceral and haunting, as we initially are just seeing Locke's view.

I was juat thinking he could get the darker Chris Pratt roles. Holloway is full of charm, with enough mysterious darkness for everyone to love ! Give him a franchise or something Hollywood.

Nixon v Kennedy handled the 'how' for Don Draper brilliantly. And it has Cooper replying "who cares?" to Pete exposing the Don/Dick. Some hilarious and dark moments throughout.

That burger chef scene was my giddiest moment while watching Mad Men.

Season 5.
'Three Sundays'
That was the point where Peggy solidified her spot as one of my favourite TV characters I've seen. It is haunting in a way that Mad Men seems to only haunt me. "For the little one" gives me chills.

Major has been my favourite surprise of the season so far.

I felt the scene from an earlier episode where Liv and Lowell first openly chatted about their zombie lifestyle (as the jazz music was playing and he made drinks) was one of the key scenes to hook me into this show. There was a strong and vibrant chemistry between the two of them, and Lowell over time only grew into a

I really like the subtle character development Michael got over the season. He was always a good guy at heart, but was so caught up in the dream idea of his life that it became really difficult for him to adjust to the breakup.

Yeah I was thinking "this nurse is getting too much screen time, so she is either going to poison the baby or kidnap it."

Cruel and unnecessary is spot on. This doesn't feel like a 'Jane the Virgin' moment.

A recent telemovie 'Cyberbully' had a similar premise and the brilliant Maisie Williams from Game of Thrones. This is the new 'cabin in the woods' premise for horror/thrillers.

Nice insight :)

I was saying last week that I needed a gripping moment for the show, and I never would have guessed that having Liv gleefully riding around town on a bike would be one of them.

It may have been a case of the first episode trying too hard for laughs that didn't work and therefore playing up the abrasive-ness.

I watched the first episode of Cucumber and found no reason to continue with it. The main character was a horny, grumpy old man, acted in a way that was a bit abrasive to me and I just felt no need to hear him anymore.

I really like everything to do with Blaine so far. The man is a very charming villain.

I want a gripping moment for the world's characters. So far the pilot kind-of gave us this for Liv, but it has mostly felt like the show isn't tethered too strongly to any theme yet, which is making the show less thrilling.

'The Cranberries - Zombie' has to be. Although I'd rather they put 'Linger' in there purely because I am obsessed with that song.

Yep 'Three Sundays' is flat-out brilliant. I remember the day I watched "Three Sundays". Something quite shitty had been going on in the background of my life, and I sat down and watched what is now probably my favourite episode of the show.

Yep. This is my favourite episode of Lost. Some of the most iconic scenes (at least for me) happen right here. Desmond realizing he can prove himself true with his bar-fight/football game result and then it failing, but eventually working. Desmond and Penny by the river. Charles Widmore and his oppulent office. Edit: