
I don't necessarily agree that these are the best of their series, but consensus usually comes to these ones a lot:
Friends - The One with the Embryos
Fringe - Peter

Hush !

It was the most fun I've had watching the show all season. Last weeks was the more character focused payoff that I loved, and this was the sheer fun of Misfits that I love. Great way to finish off the series.

And an A for that final scene, which gets those points for the most I've watched the show with my hand over my face in horror at what would befall Jenna.

This was the episode where I really went 'woah Alex has become a really great character, hasn't he?' Definitely the MVP of this episode.
Plus Jess crying made me cry :(
And then THAT happened to Abby and I was kind of a mess.

Let's go top 5 for me:

Gorgeous song, nice choice :)

I Appear Missing is pretty much tied with Go With the Flow as my favourite QOTSA song. While parts of the new album could drag or lose my interest, that one grabbed me from the start and only gets better as it goes along.

My favourite goes to: Beach Fossils - Clash The Truth.
For a subtle, yet still anthemic and affecting song, there aren't many out there that have connected with me in the way this one does.

So I see this episode as 'part 2 of the Jenna coping with her mess-ups.'
Part 1 was with her mum. Part 2 is with her friends. I'm guessing next up will be Val.
And then heading towards the finale, possibly Jenna coping with wtf she will do with her future, in regards to not just her studies, but everyone involved in her

The 'rules of probation' gave a bit of room for Tamara and Jake to actually get some more time spent on their relationship, which was great. This combined with Jenna facing the 2nd string of her mess ups made it a pretty darn good episode.
While yep, the Sadie stuff was disconnected and rushed.

Which makes it sound more like your own personal view on forgiveness and marital betrayal that you are putting onto the character.

The technology makes the issue into something he can't get past, and
now he can't establish trust in the relationship. The ever-present-past
of it all makes forgiveness a much more difficult task.

Giving Jake and Tamara their own story earnt it lots of points, and handling the fallout with Jenna has started off really well.

A character-based drama, with an abusive and temperamental man placed in a situation (with the technology and setting) that heightens his worst qualities, while also showing how this kind of memory-access is such a huge hindrance on relationships. That, plus some great acting and directing all come together for what

And that is the only episode of this show I'd give that high of a grade to. It's the most affecting of the series, to me by far, and offers some gorgeous visuals and heartbreaking character moments to push it up to the A.

That moment that Ciera and Katie shared, what Katie must have thought was two pals chatting away, pretty much opened my eyes in one fell swoop to how good Ciera is, and how easily manipulated Katie is.
The little school-yard trick of saying "how can you have it, I have it!" was so simple and almost too obvious, but it

Wait, since when was Matty even a jock?

Well there is the inherent sympathy you give over to teenagers. But besides that Jenna has previously been a forgiving and understanding friend (the big moment was last season in letting her mother back into her good graces).
Here she is lashing out in typically and understandable (and understandably frustrating) ways.

So glad that Jenna's moment with Matty remained a genuine heartfelt moment, and that really made the sympathy for Jenna come rushing back. In her hurry to defy everyone and 'live life', it's often easy to forget (as Val had) that she is still an insecure, vulnerable and inexperienced teenager.