
Seeing Liu in that list makes me think they should just make Charlie's Angels 3: Ghostbusters 3.


It's weird that this isn't even coming out next year.

I agree with this whether you're serious or not.

Hey Spidey? Turn off the fucking dark already!

ooh ooh are we finally doing this?!

I laugh out loud every time at the "Thrift Shop" part.

The Word Crimes song and video are impressive but the lack of Weird Al in the video prevents it from being my favorite.

Hey you can't have that! That snorkel's been just like a snorkel to me!

The prequel series to Married…with Children everyone's been waiting for!

Oh Anna Faris you're thinking.

So is the tennis thing still happening?

The Pacific Rim Award for not using a useful power until the last minute- Godzilla

Best "Fuck You" to Brett Ratner - X-Men: Days of Future Past (which really should have been on the list even though the one reviewer didn't grade it highly enough. I mean, Non-Stop?)

Everyone praises the Quicksilver scene (which they should), but I think my favorite scene is the conversation between McAvoy and Stewart as young and old Xavier, respectively. Amazing acting, great writing, and shot in a really interesting way.

Yeah I didn't dislike The Host but I definitely don't think it's great.

The beach scene was a standout for me as well, but I'm a little confused what happened.

The fight at the end of The Raid 2 in the kitchen was so relentless. They just kept going at each other!

It's X-Men for me, so so good.

I only know how to make fries.