Sarcasm or not, that movie is awesome
Sarcasm or not, that movie is awesome
The Hangover is a likeable enough comedy but I don't find it nearly as hilarious as everyone else seems to.
The Hangover is a likeable enough comedy but I don't find it nearly as hilarious as everyone else seems to.
Paul Rudd's mirror scene was absolutely hilarious.…
It rivals Rudd's deleted scene in Bridesmaids; has anyone seen that?
Paul Rudd's mirror scene was absolutely hilarious.…
It rivals Rudd's deleted scene in Bridesmaids; has anyone seen that?
Someone else has seen that!!
Someone else has seen that!!
I thought that too. There was nothing really distinct about it. I don't know how they should've marketed it though, seems extremely tricky.
I thought that too. There was nothing really distinct about it. I don't know how they should've marketed it though, seems extremely tricky.
Was Gattaca not liked when it came out?
Was Gattaca not liked when it came out?
K..Kathy Griffin on a trampoline?
K..Kathy Griffin on a trampoline?
I think it's actually a pretty smart show; I didn't like it at first but it's grown on me a lot through TBS reruns.
I think it's actually a pretty smart show; I didn't like it at first but it's grown on me a lot through TBS reruns.
I think she looks like a bigger Emily Blunt
I think she looks like a bigger Emily Blunt
So now we have a definitive list of things that are cute and fugly
So now we have a definitive list of things that are cute and fugly
I vaguely remember this show where he took kids on a bus and did pranks.