Hairy Cruise

These ads feature Ron Burgundy (and I can't imagine a local TV news anchor makes that much money, come on).

I think we all know that Belgium is a fictional country. Like South Carolina.


Well, I can say I really like the blouse of the one leaning against the pole. Like she was born to work one. A pole, that is.

Dude. He said hand clap. It's gonna burn like hell when you make dinner.

Liked for putting Empire of the Sun in the Top Ten where it belongs. Wonder what ever happened to the kid from that movie. He was great.

Huh. I was 16 when it came out and went to see it with my girlfriend fully expecting to hate it. And I totally loved it. Wonderful film that, to me, still holds up today.

Banger sister? I don't even know her sister.

If true it's because of Eileen Brennan more than Hawn.

Or how the deputy from Gunsmoke became the star of Speilberg's first film while the blacksmith became the biggest box office draw of the 70s.

I think you're still thinking of Benedict and his hairshirts. I'm not willing to say a bald person with hightops and a foul mouth isn't Pope Francis.

What's someone with basic human decency and empathy doing at The A. V. Club?

It's what you do when you're finished raising sand.

"What? Who gives a shit? They both fucking suck."

It would be really weird since Sinead O'Connor actually looks like the pope now.

Is that Miley?? I thought it was a picture of that guy on Discovery with the 200-pound nuts.

No that's Runner, Run…Goddamit!

And, no, I don't know whether "card shark" is in the OED. Have you ever seen how big that fucker is??

Hell, if wikipedia says card shark is acceptable, then by all means use it.  I mean, fuck the OED, right? It's only the definitive record of the English language. But since the wikipedia has so many more authros it's gotta be more correct.

Hard for me to argue that The Town wasn't a case of Ben being good in a good movie.