Hairy Cruise

"This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps!!"

"You know Beaumont's gonna do anything Beaumont can to keep from doing them ten years, including telling the federal government any and every motherfucking thing about my black ass. Now that, my friend, is a clear-cut case of him or me.

Why, why, why do I still laugh at that shit so hard??

Nah…Blossom's fugly in any religion.

And perhaps more to the point the Vulgar Boatmen was started and led by Robert Ray - an English professor at the glorious bastion of art and truth that is the University of Florida - and was named after the Russian sea chanty The Song of the Volga Boatmen. The band started as an experiment to see if people who had

Shortest book ever? Bob Dylan's autobiography:

In Dave Van Ronk's famous words that he borrowed from Blind Blake:

If it were described as "Bill Murray Fights the Nazis in a giant RV" I'd sleep outside the theater the night before for tickets.

Michael Caine did Blame it on Rio and got nekkid with an 18 year-old Michelle Johnson.

Even more impressive, she started with an Oscar nom for Winter's Bone.

That's cuz the Weinstein Company's got no stones to put anywhere.

It's worth going to see a Leonardo DiCaprio movie just to see how much deeper that cleft between his eyes has gotten.

Could you guys get a room, please?

Blame Fucking:  (v.) The only kind of sex people married for ten or more years get to have.

What's a Blackskin Headtrailer?

Also looking forward to:

Why do I start humming a Blur tune when I hear his name?

I think it's Bruce Springsteen's Darkness on the Edge of Clown.

Except for Shazam!.

Damn @avclub-ed7b5dda6968b1c326eecf743e76fddc:disqus you're right! What a freakin' brain fart. Thanks for the heads-up.
Yeah, @kateh:disqus  I was vacillating between The Big Valley, The High Chapparal and The Virginian. I think maybe The AV Club should do a "For Your Consideration" or "Gateways to Geekery" on 60's