Hairy Cruise

Oliver Sacks needs his own series!

I take it you haven't read any of Stephenson's other books. While Snow Crash is first and foremost a parody of cyberpunk, the ultimate inside joke is that all the stuff Neal bakes into his stories are based on real cutting-edge science, not general-trend-extrapolations like Gibson. As such they're much more

Some think Cryptonomicon is too long, and some of us are wating for Stephenson to finish it…

He can't even play golf.

Then he'd have to be Japanese, right? I'd nominate Don Matsuo, the lead singer of Zoobombs.

What's not to like? Alchemy and the creation of the calculus…with pirates! And we'd finally get to see Qwghlm!

They flip for her!

Good point, though I think any Arthur Lee biopic will pretty much retire the psychedelic noir trophy.

"Ass Music" is still Adam Ass' best song.

…and be Saigon Kicked in the groin.

I'll bring the milk and Pepsi!

You're thinking of Richard "The Boner" Stabone.

Or maybe an animated, children's adaptation of In Cold Blood!

Holy shiznit!! I was just wondering what you guys were on about with the discussion of the ridiculous happy ending to the book…when my memory of the book's ending was anything but happy. After Googling to see for sure, I found out that Adams had tacked on this ending after I had read the book!?!? WTF??

George's hot property after his starmaking turn in Shark Boy and Lava Girl.

Lopez had a talk show??

Mine is:

A. A. thinks all allegories are ripe for the rising.

I personally perferred the art direction in Dick Man and Throbbin.

Confucius say:  "Anybody who fuck a dog on camera without any kind of coercion need people around to keep them from fucking a dog on camera."