Hairy Cruise

We can all agree that America's Test Kitchen is way better than it has any right to be. My God, it somehow seduced me into making refrigerator jam and cold-brewed coffee.

I saw some show on PBS last night about Burt Bacharach featuring a shit ton of back-in-the-day video performances (with the likes of Dionne Warrick, Dusty Springfield and Marilyn McCoo) I'd never seen before. A couple of hours of Burt Bacharach makes up for an awful lot of Yanni, Tesh and any number of tenors.

I wanna see the part where Jim McMahon's wife has to lock the front door to keep him from wandering off.

Because my Dad's dead?

You have to ask? No wonder Kirk left you behind.

Brian Greene's Nova series was the best thing I saw on TV last year.

Hillbillies + Ebola = Hillbola!

Wasn't he the Roman Emperor that always wore white suits?

Lay off that revisionist history crap. We didn't "wipe out" the indigenous population. At all. We were the clean up crew for Mssrs. Small Pox and Measels. So please, use "brutally finished off" instead of "wiped out."

That's so typical of BP misinformation. As a resident of the Gulf Coast, though, I can clear that up. The message was supposed to be "Stay away from the Gulf Coast. We don't want you!"

You got a chubb from Lou Grant??

I thought I was the only one…

Technically, "Grandma's Gout" isn't about a body part.

I perfer Joe's duet with LT: "I Broke His Heart and He Broke My Leg"

Which reminds me:  we all need to support ?uestlove's ongoing efforts to get Bill Withers performing again. Damn, but it's a shame we have to do without a talent like that.

"That you Wilt?"

Easy now, "The A.V. Club Has One of the Album’s Best Tracks" is one of my favorite songs.

Tonight when I chase the dragon
The water may change to cherry wine
And the silver will turn to gold…

God, you are a bitch.

No it wasn't.

Who the fuck ever knew what Peart looked like back there? He could have been a 600 pund Polynesian for all I could see.