
Sounds like it might qualify as a companion piece to Heinlein's "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress"

Sounds like it might qualify as a companion piece to Heinlein's "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress"

Bush I, maybe…..W, I don't think so…..

Bush I, maybe…..W, I don't think so…..

Nice. Obscure, yet timely.

Nice. Obscure, yet timely.

If by "fucking awesome" you mean "really lame."

If by "fucking awesome" you mean "really lame."

Take out "rich" and you pretty well describe all Texans.

Take out "rich" and you pretty well describe all Texans.

The UP has Scandinavians, Finlanders, lotsa French-Canadians, and surprisingly a significant Italian population in Iron Mountain (hence leading Yooper exports Marriucci and Izzo)

The UP has Scandinavians, Finlanders, lotsa French-Canadians, and surprisingly a significant Italian population in Iron Mountain (hence leading Yooper exports Marriucci and Izzo)

Reason #72 that Warren Zevon was indeed a genius - "seamlessly works 'brucellosis'  into song lyric"

Reason #72 that Warren Zevon was indeed a genius - "seamlessly works 'brucellosis'  into song lyric"

"Wow, I never realized people from Lower Michigan spoke just like the Scots."

"Wow, I never realized people from Lower Michigan spoke just like the Scots."

No thanks, I'm driving. 

No thanks, I'm driving. 

"…naked woman being decapitated on a busted fish tank" is less a spoiler and more a whetting of the appetite.

"…naked woman being decapitated on a busted fish tank" is less a spoiler and more a whetting of the appetite.