
I would marry this post if I could. 

I would marry this post if I could. 

Movie was so-so, but McGill was his usual better-than-the-material self in it.

Movie was so-so, but McGill was his usual better-than-the-material self in it.

It's got the BEST advice - "son - fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life."

It's got the BEST advice - "son - fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life."

"Hey you, why don't you fly that helicopter BELOW THE SCOREBOARD RIGHT ABOVE THE CROWD'S HEADS IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS FOOTBALL GAME. Why? Because, uh, it says so in the script?"

"Hey you, why don't you fly that helicopter BELOW THE SCOREBOARD RIGHT ABOVE THE CROWD'S HEADS IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS FOOTBALL GAME. Why? Because, uh, it says so in the script?"

No kidding - that's gotta make a lowly internet journalist feel great. I've always heard McGill is a class act, and that cinches it.

No kidding - that's gotta make a lowly internet journalist feel great. I've always heard McGill is a class act, and that cinches it.

The cast of Animal House all basically say that there wasn't much separation between the actor and the role when they made the movie.

The cast of Animal House all basically say that there wasn't much separation between the actor and the role when they made the movie.

IMO the question then becomes "is he less central than any other character?"; I don't watch the show, but based on the books, I'd have to say Tyrion is as much a lead as any other character in the story - if S2 mirrors "A Clash of Kings" he's probably the prime protagonist.

IMO the question then becomes "is he less central than any other character?"; I don't watch the show, but based on the books, I'd have to say Tyrion is as much a lead as any other character in the story - if S2 mirrors "A Clash of Kings" he's probably the prime protagonist.

They threw Regina King into the "Supporting" category for Southland, which is just as egregious.

They threw Regina King into the "Supporting" category for Southland, which is just as egregious.

C'mon now, he IS the guy who kills Lo Pan at the end.

C'mon now, he IS the guy who kills Lo Pan at the end.

I think one could argue that Tropic Thunder isn't necessarily a "parody", since it's more about the crazy shit going on behind the scenes than the movie itself, but the fake trailers are great.

I think one could argue that Tropic Thunder isn't necessarily a "parody", since it's more about the crazy shit going on behind the scenes than the movie itself, but the fake trailers are great.