
He fit into the mold Feig was talking about with Gordon - in a show where most of the principals are somewhat uncomfortable in their own skin, Harris is completely comfortable with himself and fairly confident.

I'm a little out of date on F&G so I may be an episode ahead here, but I thought one of the great subversions was that Cindy's Basketball Star Boyfriend was done as a really great guy who genuinely seemed to like Sam. Kinda made it worse for poor Sam, because when he says "he's a jerk" Sam knows deep down it isn't

My wife and I love the show, and that was one of the moments where about one line in I was going "oh Nick, don't!" where my wife was basically climbing behind the couch and hiding from it.

I have no idea what you're talking about but am laughing my ass off right now. 

I think it was Eddie Trunk saying that when he introduces Slayer, he just walks out onstage and yells "FUCKING!"….the crowd always yells back "SLAAAYERRR!"

I agree - DM is very much a band putting 5 minutes of song into a 7 minute track.

@Jeff - you are not wrong.

Anthrax managed to dump a semi-iconic frontman (Joey Belladonna) and get BETTER.

At that point in time, Dave was just drinking too much - the snorting/shooting didn't really start until Megadeth.

It's this little thing called "context"

To defend Grantland, I think Barnwell, Keri, and Baker on the NHL do good stuff. The Masked Man does a terrific job on pro wrestling, if that's your thang, every once in a while Klosterman does a good pop culture article, and Bill Simmons does what Bill Simmons does.

To quote Bum Phillips (though he wasn't talking about F&G) "if it ain't in a class by itself, it don't take long to call roll."

The bitch gods of scheduling brought the hammer down on both this AND Undeclared. So Feig/Apatow said "ya know what, we'll just go make HIT FUCKING MOVIES. Fuck all y'all" (okay, I don't know that they actually said that)

Don jumped the Shark-Mouth last season.

I mentioned this above - there's a TREMENDOUS ambiguity to the scene - we don't know what, exactly, is running through Peggy's head - I tend to think it's more an "oh, shit, I've got serious money in my purse, and I don't really know her very well" more than "ZOMG black person!"…though the fact that there MAY be a

Southland is fucking terrible with dropping spoilers into their previews - one episode in particular, a cop got attacked by a drug dealer and looks in REALLY bad shape in the last shot…cut to preview, there he is, walking around in his uniform.

The Amazing Chan Clan?

Yeah, that's the thing that gives the end of the scene some ambiguity - Is Peggy not comfortable leaving her purse with Dawn because:

Word. I was thinking about this, and people seem to keep wanting to force these big, "Dramatic" moments into Mad Men - but where Mad Men excels is that when it comes down to it, they generally mine the drama from more mundane aspects.

What, like the back of a Volkswagen?