
Pauly Shore movies for some, miniature American flags for others!

Tom Cruise sucks??!! Looks like SOMEONE'S auditioning for the sequel!

Haven't you been reading? You can't enjoy both, you have to choose just one.

"What Gener was talking about."

Ok, I'll bite. What happens if Lily's baby is 10 lbs?

I just masturbate.

These Humpty Dumpty BBQ chips are makin' me thirsty!

Good catch! Forgot all about that.


They don't?


The ONE movie they couldn't get Johnny Depp for??!!

Batman's a scientist!

tears of rage. RIP.


Urban Haute Bourgeoisie

@avclub-1b1f9a3e639ecc53f335314fc9d8403b:disqus Thanks for the link. Too bad Marley Shelton never made it bigger, I always had a huge crush on her (she still looks pretty good, too). Anyway, good to see her back when she was fresh(er) faced and her future was full of endless possibilities.

So did she give you a handjob or didn't she? Inquiring minds want to know.

I love that movie so much

Oh, he's a total UHB. I thought so all along; this review just confirms it.