Vicky Chang

That Marie now agrees with Hank - that getting WW is job one - should be enough for Hank to realize it's an idea as half-baked as Marie's brain is. Hank is a lauded bureaucrat high up as far as he can be in the agency's chain of command. To be related to a criminal mastermind - one right under his nose - would taint

You mean like how Will Smith acts like the squeaking roundy thing Jesse spins on? Uh, yeah, you were the only one. But you did give me an opprotunity to say how Will Smith and his brat kid both should go away for a long "auditing" session in Belize.

Well, the Jesse money-throwing scene underlines his instability - and points out how wrong and self-deluded Walt is for thinking Jesse is OK after a brief talk (where he returns his money bags). Dumb of both Walt and Saul to not realize pinkman is their loosest end!

I was hoping Skyler's baby would become the ally mcbeal dancing baby and kick the stupid out of Marie's head.

Wow - i saw the dedication in the show and wondered who he was. I made a mental note to search for it, so I'm glad to see this piece today. RIP, Kevin.

RYE-GiLL ??? What the hell, wince jilliggin!

OWS didn't have its Mario Savio, in fact, it didn't have any oratory. I hope Neal/Sorkin clobbers 'em for it. Lotsa camping, and what I remember most is Alec Baldwin visiting while appearing Capital One credit card commercials. Lip service w/o words? I love that the show is placing Neal there now and a bonus to his