
True, they just seemed to have tipped it so friggin' hard that it WAS a prank. With the douchey guy saying "Well then, this is just a gigantic prank!" and then April looked at the camera and smiled when the news report came on, and then when the photos appeared on Pawney today, they were obviously stills from the

I really forgot about that fifth season, didn't I. Well now that comment actually makes sense. It IS the third best x-mas episode, with last years Meredith goes to rehab, says no, no, no, being utterly forgettable.

Good entry
Probably my third favorite of their Christmas episodes (yes, there have only been three though they're in their fifth season), but none the less quite good. Only thing that didn't work for me was the nutcracker that Michael sent in pieces. On paper, a great gift for Dwight and he clearly loved it, but the

Liz Cackowski, a funny, funny lady.
This is Liz Cackowski's first credited episode and it's no surprise it's the series best. I loved everything, including Dong Lover's Forest Whitakre eye, Gay Fighting, and many many many other things. Loved it so much.

Really, Parks and Rec?
I've been a pretty staunch supporter of this show since episode one, but with this and the Fred Armisen episode a while back, I've become uncomfortable with the completely lack of realism they occasionally dip into. I was hoping that this whole mayor thing was, infact, a prank, which it seemed

I don't know if those are the two best songs on Wolfgang. They're certainly the most popular (and the singles) and probably have the most energy, but Love Like a Sunset is great, Girlfriend, it's a solid album throughout.

#1, Good Choice
I started listening initially around the time Alphabetical came out, but I was too young to get into their 21+ (or 18+) shows, unfortunately, so I kinda lost touch with their music and only really reconnected a year or so after the self-titled one came out and enjoyed it but was still a little cool on

Sherri Shephard is not hot for a myriad number of reasons, not the least of which is her not knowing whether the earth revolves around the sun or vice versa.

Hurwitz is my command
To be fair to the late, enjoyable if slight, Sit Down Shut Up, Hurwitz was not the showrunner, he was merely the creator (or rather, adapter).

Nat King and The Coles
I know how to say "Perhaps" in Spanish thanks to a great Nat King Cole recording of "Quizas, Quizas, Quizas" (featured prominently in Wong Kar-Wai's "In the Mood for Love") and then later hearing an awful recording of the english translated version "Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps" (the theme song to

So do you and Rabin switch off each week now? Or was he just filling in? I only ask because it's weird not to have a continuity week to week with the review of this show, especially given the wide range of quality it can dip into it makes sense that it'd be one person. Given that it doesn't even go up until

Hyden slur (Hyslur)
"John Krasinski Smirks At The Camera While Steve Carell Acts Like An Obnoxious Dickhead"

No Cimino?
I know it's been well documented that Noonan hates Michaelo Cimino but I'd have loved to hear about it more. Fun fact: Cimino now looks like an old lesbian and his short for Chacun son cinema is one of the worst things I've ever seen.

Groundhog Day is funnier, and better, Rushmore is funnier and better, The Royal Tenenbaums is funnier and better, hell even Broken Flowers is funnier. King Pin is funnier.

What I'm saying is the movie has little offer besides Murray's wisecracks, which you kind find in better movies.

I'm with Koski.
I'm not an only child but my sister had moved out by the time I was of an age where movies made a lasting impression. Because of that I never saw Ghostbusters, Raiders, or Back to the Future as a kid growing up. When I saw Back to the Future for the first time a few years ago I asked my parents why I

I don't know why but I think this makes her hotter, her boyfriend or whatever? The guy who's not Shane Caruth in Primer. Primer.

True story: it was an All in the Family spec that got Frontline the job on The Simpsons in the 80s. He tooled around there for a few years, never got an episode credit, but having fun and pitching gags until in 1993, when he decided to leave and co-write a pilot with fellow Simpsons -scribe Jim Lehrer's News Hour.

Mostly, only, Christmas.
For the past five years I've gone to see a movie with a jewish friend on Christmas night. Without fail. Why a jewish friend? I have no idea, that's just the way it's worked out. Let me clear though, it's only been the same friend once. Anyway I enjoy that for some reason so much more than

That Arby's line.
I wouldn't be surprised if that Arby's line was a Paul Schneider improv. To me it sounded exactly like something he'd have said in the two David Gordon Green movies he was in, one of which he co-wrote and feature absurd, out of nowhere gems like that and "Last night I had a dream you grew a garden on