
Beating the drum
I'm fine with the "slow-burn" aspect of the show. I've enjoyed every episode thus far, with last week's being the best in my mind, and I thought this was another excellent episode. I enjoy all the actors, the situations, the dialogue, etc. The Amazon ranking thing is funny, are there funnier things?

"She never refills the Brita!"
I enjoyed it. I've also been enjoying Alec Baldwin on the New York Philharmonic broadcasts. Anyone else enjoy those? Anyone?

One of the best episodes of the series.
"Have we ever seen Pam's mom? They should get Lucy Davis to play her."

Wrong Time
"…proving yet again that freedom from punishment is a luxury often afforded the rich in God's United States."

No Andy Samberg? He wasn't even in the goodbyes at the end. Maybe he's shooting an ultra awesome Digital Short. I don't know why they haven't tapped into the untapped back catalogue of excellent songs from Incredibad. Boombox, Dream Girl, any of the songs really would make incredible Digital Shorts.

Ladies and Gentlemen…
The Opening Film of the 2009 Chicago International Film Festival! OH THE TREASURES!

I too, inwell…
…love After Hours. I think that might be the only thing I've seen him in. I know he's not the most critically revered actor ever but I thought he was perfect in After Hours. I enjoy his honesty aswell.

Best episode of the series.
I don't get the rating man. This is the best episode thus far, Jonathan changes, there's classic detective stuff completely undermined, they got Galifianakis together with everybody and Danson was great. I said it last week better, but this show is about bored people clining to any whim or

The Jay Leno show immediately followed that episode of 30 Rock, so Jack looking at Jenna's tennis country song and saying "Lighten up Lemon, there's nothing wrong with being light and fun and giving people what they want…Ladies and gentlemen, Jay Leno." is basically describing Leno's show as inconsequential crap aimed

I dig the dig.
I enjoyed the rather harsh yet seemingly not dig at Jay Leno and his legion of Limbaugh cheering plebeians. The episode was a bit weak, and yet the fan pandering was a bit not strong as well. I hope they get it back together, but even at it's least good it's still nice to have the gang back.

To me, the broad IS the funny!
I'm not surprised this was by far the broadest episode of the series. After all it was directed by Michael "Mose" Schur, who has done more damage to the reality of The Office every time he straps on that stupid chin strap beard to play Mose than any of Michael's lapse in cognition have.

I like-ed it.
I thought this was one of the stronger episodes structure-wise. I don't think people neccesarily got made at Jonathan when the window broke, they just looked at him because he brought trouble with him and no one knew him, they didn't chase after him with pitchforks or make Danson leave, they just all

I kind of had that thought during this episode, listening to the music cues, that it reminded me in a way of Freaks and Geeks. Obviously the shows are very different, but they share a general style and comedic sensibility I think. Abed is almost a Bill-like character, what with the same disorder and all, and they

I realsy hope it does. The show is doing a bang up job of establishing a…show that could have a long life, and I love it already.

There should not have been a question mark there.

I love that they undermine the big show with a cold open full of vomiting. Didn't know you had it in you, The Office?

This is what I get for seeing the new Corneliu Porumboiu film at the Chicago International Film Festival. Well I still may take you free beer…

Thank you for the apology.

I was talking about the Baton Death March in Lubbock, Texas, inwhich the Lubbuck High baton twirling team went on a shooting rampage during the annual Death Row Inmate Slaughtering Day Parade (DRISDP), But you know what they say about Lubbock: "Lubbock or Leabe Ick!."

I agree.