
Yeah, at first this season I thought that the Dean/Isabella (whom I still think of as "Belly") plot would once again involve helping Celia kick her habits, but nope. Dean's back to being a potsmoking, deadbeat lawyer and Isabella is as tragically underused as ever. As much as I'm ok with marijuana, it consistently

As much as I love Elizabeth Perkins
her plot this season feels like a retread of when Silas and the MILF decided to sell pot-laden sandwiches at her faltering cheese shop. What I do enjoy is that, for the characters in Weeds, it seems that whenever trouble is encountered their only rational solution is to sell drugs.

Fuck, any time Bill's kid does that and gets given a treat by Bill, I lose it. The self-satisfied smile on the kid's faceless as he eats the treat from Bill's hand is hilarious.

Also, Dave's resignation to how much all the other employees hate the idea by the end of it is pretty hilarious, especially since by that point he plans to off-load all the blame onto Lisa.

Canada > US
Geez, here in Canada we just call "biscuit holes" "Timbits" because the much-superior-to-any-other-coffee&donuts-franchise Tim Horton's has been selling them for decades. For once you yanks are behind the times.

Nothing compares to her getting Bill drunk and feeding him false slang for his Rocket Fuel Malt Liquor spots. "Kazziza my dilznoofus!" "Yes yes yes!"

Seriously, this is not the first time Nancy has had angry violent sex with a threatening man. She did it with Alejandro back in season 1, she threw herself at the revolting Sullivan Groff, and most of her sex with Esteban has been aggressive (to put it mildly). Nancy's in to that stuff. In the scene, she didn't ever