
Once one steps past the level of acting/writing/set design/costuming questions, and starts looking at who was cast at a show, one wades into the realm of stuff that has nothing to do with the art of the show. I'm reluctant to think about this too much, because art has to succeed or fail as art, and TV shows are no

I agree with you. Clark Gregg and Ming-Na Wen capture my interest more easily and fully than the others, but I've come to like the dynamic between Simmons and Fitz, and I see more than just clutzy nerds in them. Ward does often come across as a human chin, but his ability to mock himself in exactly the way that his

I would rate it higher than that, but I think you have homed in on a significant theme for this episode, and it's a contrast to the series as we have seen it so far, as Coulson is arguably putting his team together as a quasi-family, one where there are fewer boundaries and secrets than in the rest of SHIELD. The Hub

Yeah, that was clumsy, and a good example of the kinks this show still needs to work out. Also, even if Ward couldn't have picked a better spot, why not use something like that blanket thing he and Fitz used to blend in with the pavement in the suicide mission to Russia episode? Since the Centipede people must

It can, indeed, be debated and since Mr. Sim is paid to do that, his petulant dismissals of the show are particularly annoying. Like all art, it does ultimately come down to taste, and we can certainly like different things and remain friends. If the Coulson crew doesn't work for you, by all means spend your leisure

OK, I really enjoy the show, and if you guys would stop snickering in the back of the classroom, you'd notice that there's more to Ward than meets the eye.

There's your problem right there: this isn't a superhero show. You can tell, because the show's title is "Agents of SHIELD".This is more akin to that great comic series Gotham Central, which was about the GCPD and the crap they had to deal with while sharing the world with Batman, Joker, et al.

The show has been raising its game all season. The rest of us are frustrated with Mr. Sim because he's too… bored? jaded? I don't know what?… to notice. As he has done with other shows, Joss Whedon is building up to something, and has taken his time, and now things are kicking off. If you are familiar with some of

Mr. Sim: For the past nine episodes, you have complained that this show doesn't have superheroes, doesn't have an overarching plot but only disconnected episodes, and doesn't develop any storylines, and doesn't have any consequences for its characters.
Tonight, the show addressed all those concerns, and did it well,

Your point about obvious paths is a good one. After all, Gregson and Bell have to go to court and testify, and as the authorities on the cases, they'll be questioned about why they didn't follow up other leads, etc. Some of what they do is (presumably) due diligence, 'leaving no stone unturned' type of stuff that

We actually don't disagree, I think: I didn't say, though I can see why you'd infer, that it would be easy for Holmes to consider Coventry's reactions, etc. I say, rather, that it would be possible, and he acknowledges that it's possible, but he isn't interested in making the effort to do so.

"Piper absolutely isn’t playing Rose". Really? You know, I thought
exactly the opposite. She was/is/will be merged with the time/space
vortex. She rewrote reality to make Jack Harkness immortal. We don't
really know what "The Moment" is, or who made it, or how, or when, but
we do know that Rose was capable of

I think this episode is stronger than you give it credit because of the way Watson calls Sherlock on his BS, pointing out that he's always ten steps ahead, so why couldn't he see the problems coming from being a dick to Coventry? He can of course, so he just isn't bothering, and they both know it, so it really

If Coulson is a robot, he's one that's sufficiently human-like to fool Simmons after a full medical examination.

I suspect that Mr. Sims is so disappointed that this show is not what he wants it to be that he is no longer paying attention to what it is. Or maybe he thinks Norway/Norweigan and Sweden/Swedish are the same country/language?

This show doesn't have that je ne sais quoi which transforms something

Mr. Sava, I agree with some of what you write, but I fear you are being (forgive me) somewhat obtuse.

"Why is Unalaq into opening the portals?"

I utterly agree.  I suspected him for a while, because I figured his psychic bullshit was a ploy to derail the investigation, and his tears and helpless rage when Hardy turfed him out of the Latimers' hous filled me with joy.  Either Chibnall is a fuckhead who believes in psychics, which is both depressing and

Nah, that's for the proles in the scorn-mines.  Those of us privileged to come from entitled heights of the scorn-geoisie control the means of scorn-production, and so we parasitically enjoy the fruits of you watching this crap for us.  I'd say more, but I have to go raid your scorn-01K before you wise up.