
Some suggested stories
One of the great things about Tom Baker's Doctor is he always projected a sense that everything was going to be OK, so the few times when he was scared were really scary. Pyramids of Mars was particularly good at that. Also, the best of Baker/Lalla Ward/Douglas Adams era stories was probably

@3rd prize: #8, Airborne Toxic Event, seems most likely.

Nazi plunder = stuff stolen from Holocaust victims
So are Neal and Mozzie really going to keep all this loot stolen by the Nazis from people they murdered? When there are world-wide efforts still underway to return it all to their rightful owners? Is this the same guy who faked a painting so that someone he felt

Well, Sony has yanked it for copyright violation.
Does that mean it was real, or just confirm that it's 'viral marketing'? Or did Sony publicists forget to CC their legal dept?

SCC bored me. What's the point of having someone as graceful and physically dynamic as Summer Glau playing a killer robot if she's going to move around in the same blocky, awkward fashion as Arnold Swarzenegger did? To me, it perfectly captured the mechanical stiffness of the whole show.

West Wing season 4, ep 22 "Commencement"
The whole long sequence using Tricky's "Angel" leading up to

Oh, god, All Along The Watchtower was a horrendous decision in BSG. It begged all sorts of questions that Ron Moore did not answer, and may have been too stupid to even think of.

That is! I had forgotten, but that was terrific, especially because the characters are listening to the music and responding to it within the show. Kudos to Jackson & Doc, and to you for mentioning it.

ugh, I couldn't disagree more. That was Ron Moore's biggest mistake, of the many he made in wrecking his marvelous show.

I'm fairly certain it doesn't really matter
Mr. Rabin, but I can't help but point out that when you write: "It's as if the filmmakers took a poll at Comic-Con of all the elements attendees seek in a movie—starlets in skimpy outfits adept at both hand-to-hand combat…" it implies that there should be something besides

Dear Mr. Phipps (and colleagues):
Anyone can make a mistake; only people of respect apologize for them and work to rectify them.

Best line of the show
Doc, referring to Hank: "He's been around the world more times than Gaetan Dugas."

the "hilarity" of pedophilia.
Pretty much every scene with Sgt Hatred on the Venture Brothers… which has made the last half-season pretty rough going.

Our cue to make an anal-sex joke
Before we begin, please clarify: does it have to be a funny anal-sex joke, or will just any old crap do?

Matthew Broderick's character could have been me, had I been born 130 years earlier. And the way he deliberately, agonizingly keeps putting himself in a position where he's going to get killed to prove that his black soldiers are people just like anyone else… I was shattered by his courage. I didn't even

Crossing my fingers
Wonder Woman is, I think, the most interesting of the high profile DC heroes, because she's the only one with a genuine super power. (Think about it: Batman is all gadgets, cleverness and training, so in theory anyone could do what he does, and Superman's cool powers amount to can fly, lift really

Jim Lee is capable of competent superhero page layout and draftsmanship. He's not capable of coming up with anything new, or synthesizing anything interesting out of the (now rather old and tired) crap that he's managed assimilate. I wonder if JMS wanted to work with Mr. Lee, or was just stuck with him.

If he wasn't, I certainly was.

Now that it's over
What did you think of the Sword?

Was anyone else thinking of the Waters of Mars?
There was a moment, I think when they were walking to the church, when Vincent was talking about his illness, and how he was fine right then, and something in the dialogue reminded us that he was going to kill himself in less than a year, and the Doctor just has this