
@Shibby re Blake's Seven:

"all this crap about strong females who will kick your ass is crap when everyone on every whedon production ever looks like she lives on egg whites and iceberg lettuce. I agree it beats the alternative (egg whites, lettuce, and victimization) but lets not kid ourselves, he's no particular hero for women."

@ Tasha Robinson
"Like a lot of the people answering here, I imagine that what I really want isn't a reluctant, aged-and-puffy, obligatory cash-in reunion so much as the magically granted chance to see them back in their heyday."

That looks like simple metal fatigue to me. The ship is about 50 years old, and has seen lots of combat over the years, and the past four seasons have given it a terrible beating. I think, as the show called Battlestar Galactica comes to an end, so does the ship itself.

Well done
A very good episode, and I'm glad that I wasn't spoiled for such shocking twists as Dee's suicide, and Kara's charred corpse.