
Yeah depends on how much you can stand the vocals, like most modern radio country.

My band is named: 8========D~~~

Here's a spoiler for you
You will die alone.

Dudes, I was ranked, like, 50th in the world on vocals for "And Your Bird Can Sing" in Beatles Rock Band (PS3)!!

I was crying laughing at those kids. Every single scene they'd just spaz out, especially the girl. Look at the faces she pulls every time.

I once saw a high school kid rocking Galaga, back in the day. I mean he was really scoring, so I was watching all his tricks. FYI, Galaga really only has about 6-8 different formations that repeat (and then there's about 8 challenge stages that also start over and repeat).

I only use my iPod Touch for the internet as well.

I hope this is an internet petition
Because those always work.

That's odd
I was just thinking about that time I threw a panini into stomach-jail.

In Freddy's Dead, did they use the Superfly song or Fishbone's cover of it?

Oh god iTunes is the worst fucking software ever for sampling music, or just plain navigating/searching. Please let them just make a web-only version like Lala.

Apple is basically trying to become the only music "label" in the world.

I hope people start using this term a lot.

The Bronx are up
and Gargamel is Brooklyn down

So Rabin showed up on Carson's show, just to do an infomercial for a pop-music series.

*loads up AIM*

This is typically the type of movie I'd skip (or not even be aware of) but seeing the clip on Fallon this week made me add it to my queue.

Waking and Talking / Friends With Money
These are the types of films that should be called "chick flick"(s). And then that term wouldn't be derogatory.

There's a few jokes in there with that skanktown public transit idea.

The autotune on the vocals is awesome.