
Expecting people to "get" Grindhouse was kinda like Garth Brooks expecting his fan base to "get" Chris Gaines.

I missed this one in the theatre as well, because it came and went so fast.

Have you seen Duke Fame's latest album?

Not Jackie Chan, I think that could be said of all her films.

This was one of the best episodes. It pretty much showed off the best of each character, like some greatest hits package.

Yes a lot of comments were deleted on her interview, and the Greta Gerwig interview.

Hey guys, post all your deleted comments in this thread.

Netflix map
Every Netflix suggestion ever given to me, based on what people in my area are watching, has been complete bottom-of-barrel shit.

Oh the irony
Doesn't even mention that this movie is basically about getting back at critics.

I'll be streaming this shit from Netflix in 2011 yo'.

They could get Aasif Mandvi or Wyatt Cenac next time, and kill two birds with one stone.

Is the racism/sexism tongue-in-cheek though?

I've hated every single Catherine Breillat film I've seen (maybe like 3-5 total) but I'd say start with Fat Girl.

Damn everything that kid says is hilarious though, because he's so fucking mumble-mouthed.

I've never seen Xanadu
But that dude looks like Heath Ledger.

It's dumb-hot out today yo'.

I liked her in Kids
When she had TEH AIDS

No, it's a dumb show about religious people and their "drama".

Hey guys, repost all your deleted comments in this thread.

This like the time she said that guy raped her.
And that guy didn't get the joke.