
The real twist is the deaf girl getting so seriously involved with two co-workers, without choosing one over the other — therefore leading them both to believe that he was her only love.


yeah that guys sucks!

Also, the nerdy guy is really distraught because he fell in love with the deaf girl, and it kinda ruins him emotionally and at work. Chad gets the big promotion and all the pusssssay … CHADWICK WINS AGAIN!

And, there's a big group in the room doing the commentary and it's surprisingly upbeat and funny.

Pump is what I did to your Mama Kin last night.

You know what?
I'm just F-I-N-E with all this.

The office politics, scheming, and backstabbing don't come natural to Henry Crane, and that's a good reason to like him.

Did you just want his opinion, or was he on the show?

It's more like: Sterling, Cooper, Draper, Pryce.

fat ass, fat ass, and more fat ass

I can't wait for the commentary, because it's probably based on some allergic reaction that one of them actually had.

I depressing that someone so famous for singing, isn't very good at singing.

Monologue Song, etc
Anyone notice how out of key Taylor Swift was during her lala's? Wow. You would think she would be better than most people (like the regular cast members that sing) on something that simple.

hey it's nov 8th!
And I just finished this game. It's not very good actually. Besides the good stuff — "hilarious" metal stuff — the side missions suck, the games glitches to hell all the time, and the RTS shit is dumb.

Saw her show tonight
Jeez, what a mess. They should just start right out with celebs drinking from now on, hoping for recklessness and awkward moments. It's the only way this show will survive 5 episodes.

Put stars over them.

And more short(ish) skirts please!

And Mack's confusion and discomfort.

somebody youtube that shit!