
Hall saying "I never enjoyed music." is a bold statement, and fairly stupid at face value. All he really means is he's never been a casual fan of music, since he grew up surrounded by it and its inner workings. If he never "enjoyed" music he sure as fuck wouldn't be a musician, and such a successful one either.


Rock and Soul part 1, was one of my first albums.
And I'm still waiting for part 2.

Basically, The Plan is kinda like the Star Wars prequels. They spoil anything cool about the originals, for newcomers. And help point out flaws in the originals series, to existing fans.

BEHOLD, the video greatness
Watch these for a laugh. At them.

Yeah and Rivers now acts out his lyrics with his hands, like children do in school musicals. It's pretty great.

I'm just surprised she had to imagine what masturbation is like, for that scene they were talking about.

This guy (and The Strokes)
Are pretty overrated.

The Colour and The Shape is a really good rock/pop record. It's just too bad it has that shitty 90's production sound, where all the guitars are so overdone and "excited" EQ-wise. It gets very tiresome on the ears. There's Nothing Left to Lose has such stronger production value, and more variety in songs and dynamics.

Late Night TV performances
Anyone see them on Letterman last week? With the drummer now playing guitar and Rivers not playing guitar, and one night they wore Weezer-branded snuggies (along with the rest of the Late Night band). It was awesome.

why is this posted here as news?
who cares?

Man, this ain't my dad! This is a cell phone!

That's a lot of work though for such a short bit of time filled.

Is Justin Hankins another gimmick?

Yeah, I thought showing Carla sit down beside Betty and then light-up was pretty powerful. But everyone seemed to have an "oh no" moment that was just as good.

Was this a gay halloween party?

I don't even have the energy to explain what is going on, so just look at my face.

Let's take this shit to usenet, bitches!

The best was how subtle Jack smiled at the camera when Lemon ordored extra chuckle. Fucking great.

Thanks for saying it twice. But yeah, this episode has some of the best lines of the entire series.