
The Assassination of Jesse James is an excellent movie.

Just made this my #1 in Netflix queue
Oh yeah. 8)

Away We Go
I watched it last night. Some seriously funny shit in that movie.

That Daft Punk song about twice as fast, live, was pretty cool.

The (original I think) bass player was rocking out when I saw them open for VH. I was on that side — Michael Anthony's side too, so FUCK YEAH.

Isaw these guys at Coachella, at night in a tent. It was pretty damn cool. I saw them a year later at Virgin Fest during the day and it was boring.

Grunge was a fashion, not a music.

I saw Alice in Chains open for Van Halen
There were about a dozen other people in the audience that knew who they were. They rocked that empty amphitheater though. I saw them a few years later on a Lollapalooza tour too. Much larger appreciation. I think it was after the second record had come out. After that I

Have the Coens ever made a "bad" film?
I think not.

I thought she jiggled that damn drawer!

I think every episode this season has shown a close-up of some piece of paper with a date on it. Memos, Don's contract when signing, wedding invitation, etc.

Coolest sunglasses were Betty's cat-eyes this episode.

And then later, Betty stared at the sun.

They could just make some little joke or reference to Paris/France.

That sitting in someone's desk chair is such a dickhead power move. Just saying.

Just bad timing on her part really. Don knew what she was doing. He said he didn't have to sign off on what she brought in.

I saw that dude at ASSSSCAT!!!!

Phoenix sounded great on SNL. I was seriously trying to figure out how much of it was fake, because it was too much like a recording.

The elevator in Let's Go Crazy is the devil. No joking. He almost used "devil" instead of elevator in that lyric.

Someone's written the opening of the next Tarantino film.