
And Candy too, with some dude named Heathcliff.

I like that Abbie Cornish chick
She's hot. Somersault was cool.

A: That video
Q: What the fuck is a minstrel show?

Shit fools, you know they had the help (ie "negro") bring that shit up from the lobby. This is 1963 for pete's sake!

Yeah I heard it wrong. Stupid ears. But still a funny scene. Don's matter-of-fact "I don't think so" was classic.

Holy shit!
CMJ still exists?

I've never seen this cultural landmark of a film.
And I never will. I haven't seen Titantic either.

I didn't read the article, but does Modell seem at least slightly embarrassed for liking this movie?

I hope that B is for Bullshit.

Drinking in the office fucking rules.

Hot Lois action

Peggy's just short enough to walk face first into those boobs.

The lingering shots of the Dr Pepper machine, and Betsy passed out with her baby unprotected, were the biggest throwback moments I think. Like the last episode where they drove home from the hospital with Betsy holding the baby while sitting in the front seat.

Too bad she didn't marry Tommy Lee.

It's all about image.

I just don't care about Joan's husband. That whole scene at home was kinda wasted on me. We all know she'll probably come out okay if she leaves him, or finds another job, etc.

She said champagne? Damn, I thought she said Jim Beam (which is funnier to me), but still, pretty funny scene.

I can't stop thinking of Lane Price as the Russian in Happiness every time I see him. If only they could get Jane Adams to do a cameo, and have them interact.

I had a chuckle over the "Turns out, you don't have long conversations with anyone" line.

Fucking gnarly scene.