
I really really like Amelie's kinda stoned and/or drunk speech impediment.

Win a date with Amelie "The Hater" Gillette
Seriously, do this.

map —> creek
Did this guy kick that worthless fucking map into the creek?

The End
Cohen basically said he'll never do another film like this again, on Letterman this week. Which is obvious since he's used all his characters and he's too famous now. Borat made like a gazillion dollars and he can just quit show business if he wants, but he'll probably just keep showing up in Will Ferrell-type

hey click this link to click this link.

Hey I just like stark nakedness and seeing bush from any decently attractive girl without bullshit romantic lighting.

HA! Republicans aren't created by science! They're created by God Almighty himself!

Some gold in this thread.

The premise for this sounds absolutely retarded, but I'll probably see it since that Duplass guy is kinda cool. Too bad that Greta whatever girl isn't in this one getting naked again.

I bought this book
For some reason a few years ago and never read it. Should i just throw it in the trash?

The clip they played on Letterman was some wacky car driving hijinks with basically no dialog. That's not a good sign.

She was Letterman this week. Look it up on YouTube just for her walk out to the couch. OH MY

I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know….

I saw NIN on the first Lollapalooza tour. I don't think they played a single note and everything was programmed.

I don't remember shit about this movie other than it freaked me the fuck out. That creepy dude scared the shit out of me. For the rest of the night I was turning to see if anyone was behind me — and I was sitting on a couch against a wall!

Is that Frank Zappa?

Deep Discount's sale is supposed to start the 17th. Usually 25% off. So wait a few days.

Quick, someone type in all caps like a retarded metal fan on the internet, but actually giving sensible opinions about art that a retarded metal fan would never pay attention to in the first place!