
I see Brick's cookie scene comparable to stuff like the scene(s) in Goodfellas where they stop by the mother's house during/after jobs or whacking some guy.

The sound kinda sucks in Brick so I had to turn on the subtitles and keep rewinding to hear lines clearly.

Worst gimmick ever.

Dirty Pretty Piss Things

I can't decide if I should buy Punch Out or just get it trading on Goozex.

It's just too bad 14 year-old girls are all so dumb. Oh wait, maybe not…

Wes Anderson doing a quirky fucked up violent flick might be fun.

I started playing Zelda on Wii last night and all this sounds like the first level.

Masons = the original frat boys

I dated a girl that read and loved The Da Vinci Code. Imagine my surprise when I found out she was retarded.

Opie Cunningham is a selfish bastard!

I don't understand these tomato based hangover cures, or whatever. Is the point to make you puke faster and get it over with?

Here's a spoiler for you — you will die alone.

I saw them open for Of Montreal as well. Funny guys. Completely radmon funny shit. This guy kept talking about wearing Rockports for some reason.

Trainspotting exactly. It just makes me laugh now to watch people be junkies.

It's THE CHICKEN BROTHERS in the body bags.

This show is getting close to wallowing in the mire. I hope the finale brings it up a little.

I don't know if I was supposed to but I did laugh while they were getting smacked up.

Maybe that's why Pam was playing volleyball so rigorously — to force a miscarriage.

What would you do if your boyfriend was having sex with another woman?