
And the sickle-cell.

Yeah sometimes people enjoy some art so much that they want to know details on how/why it was produced and under what circumstances. That can be inspiring as well. When I saw Milk, seeing some of those SF landmarks made the shots more powerful to me.

I understand Oldham's complaints and would agree mostly that pop music is used terribly and lazily often in popular movie, but pulling Wes Anderson out as an example is pretty fucking wrong.

Why you should get to know me: "I'm a gemini to the core."

Britney Spears. Justin Timberlake.

Actually if this list was worth a shit they would have said Mos Def in The Woodsman. But since AV Club associates anything of quality with shit like Performance AND Phantom of the Paradise, they missed that one on Mos Def as well.

What's great is the other band members don't even really react to BBT, so they must be used to this type of thing from him.

Girls of 15, sexually knowing

quick-time events
are gay.

goddamn fucking finally!
I sold my Best Of vhs on eBay when they first announced The State on dvd — foolishly thinking I could get a shitload of money for that vhs and buy the dvd's in a few months. Boy was I wrong.

only a fucking C+???
Would you give that grade to Tom Petty?

And there's an even newer girl that plays violin with New Pornographers and AC Newman, and she's like the bizarro Neko — really tall, like amazonian, with red hair. She's REALLY fucking hot too.

4-string guitars even.

Prison Girls is total noir.

Apparently The Boxmasters aren't successful enough to have roadies for CARTING around Billy Bob Thorton's drums at 6am in the morning. Maybe 12 or 1pm, but not fucking 6am in the morning.


It's a combination of Kid and Dada, so her sister is a piece of art.

If I were born rich, my shitty novel about talking dogs and Batman would have been ghostwritten by Pilgrim and be finished by now.

Everyone in Hollywood or famous has at least one famous parent/relative.

Sounds like you're only one tugging.