
Yeah I don't get the confounded thing. That record was poppy pretty much throughout, and wasn't that odd next to Young Folks.

All the things that made the first one poppy and catchy are a little overbearing on this new one. It's hard to explain.

Oh no just you wait suckas — hipsters will start totally ironic dude roller derby now.

Double comedy homicide!

Tool > Radiohead > Kristen Wiig

Letterman always says his 5 year-old son just joined a gang whenever guests bring up kids.

france sucks
I just want to say that I hate the French, and I won't be seeing this.

I will rent this dvd and jerk off at some point while watching it.

"Grunge" was more a look than a sound.

All women are lesbians therefore they all like naked women.

Not hip, just that everyone here has been loving this season and finally some people admit how stupid the show has become.

Lost fucking sucks.

tonight show
If Andy's really back, it will be the greatest thing ever.

April's chub gives me a chub.

If you want more Danny McBride craziness you should rent Hot Rod (pretty much steals the show) and of course Fist Foot Way.

Tyrol Cally Tori/Tory
I like Tyrol's over-acting with "zahuh, wait, she did wha…"

The best ending of this show would have been the mid-season finale where they get to Earth and it's a charred piece of shit. That was an awesome ending shot with everyone devastated, and more poignant than the actual ending of this series.

*snorts coke off a loaded rifle*

Oh god yes. And Kenny just keeps on rolling after it hits him in the face.

Entourage glorifies being a dick, while Eastbound makes fun of being a dick.