
It's little things like this that annoy me more and more about the show.

I think Ghost World would have been better with more slo-mo.

Is Low the Bowie album with "Let's Dance" on it? Just once I want to see a slo-mo/sped-up fight sequence set to that shit. Awesome.

Seems obvious the Richie Rich comment would come for a guy that works with money.

Why do podcasts all seem to have music at the start (and end)? Seems annoying and you have to fast-forward to the content.

@ riawrecr

You'd think someone on Galactica would have checked that raptor's flight log, you know, just to see where the other evil cylons might be.

do the doggie bounce

do the doggie bounce

do the doggie bounce

do the doggie bounce

do the doggie bounce

He's too busy fucking Natalie Portman's ass.

This is that knob that's against the bailout, but TAKING THE FUCKING MONEY ANYWAY, right?

Anyways, that Mates of State review was fucking bullshit. Never let that person review for this site again.

He just called him twangy because he has more of a redneck accent than Ryan Adams.

Fuck playing FPS with a controller.


Anyone notice how they showed Six's about 10 times within the first 2 minutes of the episode? I was all like "Well, I wonder who's going to die or have something terrible happen to them tonight…"

It was sent from future Adama. Just you wait and see.