The Mutt

I love it when the paste a photo of a celebs head on one of their character, like they did with Mel Gibson.

This show was fantastic.  They did one of the funniest meta-jokes ever: a clip show for their second episode.

I'm disturbed to hear that this episode was aired out of order.  The last three scenes seemed to be setting up very interesting things.  The Abed/Evil Abed scene was actually spooky.  LOST cliffhanger kind of spooky.

Just have a threesome!  Problem solved.

What's shaking, Norm?

They also left out harry Morgan.

Jenny McCarthy kills babies. She should be eaten alive by rats.

Sports is the only true Reality Television.

Dub Step?  Skrillex?

This year's Oscars feature the biggest collection of films I care nothing about in history.

The Liz sandwich sounds delicious.

“Revenge is like serving cold cuts.”

Occupy King of Queens!

Married with Clickers.

That movie would be Fido. Check it out. It is outstanding.

Fido is the unsung masterpiece of zombie movies!

The "Googley ayes" bit was a comedy classic.

It wouldn't have been a proper pastiche of grindhouse movies if it didn't have interminable dialogs scenes, gratuitous babes and characters doing stupid things to advance the plot.

Who's Jack Burton?

Civil Rights Barbie was a winner as well.