The Mutt

One of the first DVDs I ever bought. A work of genius.

What the fuck was that glove business? It made no sense to me at all.

People who use ethnic slurs should be hauled away in a paddy wagon!

6000 troops are enough if they are naked and it doesn't rain.

If you watch Groundhog Day backwards, it's about how the grinding sameness of life turns a guy into an asshole.

We all grew up with Warner Brothers cartoons that were packed with references to celebrities from the 30s and 40s, as well as jokes about Buy Bonds and the little man from the draft board and all kinds of WWII home-front humor.

I think you meant to say…
Academy Award Winner George Kennedy.

Not making it? I've been making my living as an actor for thirty years and I haven't made it?

Rubber Batmobile?
Please explain.

You can't handle the Poof!

Her laugh charms my pants right off. No wonder Jerry wants to hang with Elaine.

Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!
I would gladly spend my drunken lust between her bony legs a time or two.

Lee Majors
Call your agent!

A whole TV series about lesbians and not a hairy armpit to be seen.

I was really rooting for Abed to get some, and in a way, he did.

Abed Nadir is… The Observer!
The Observer!

Oh, yeah. Pierce's platform got a spit-take, teary-eyed, gut-hurt laugh out of me.

The Entity was clearly targeting the colonists when it attacked the planet.

Perhaps the same could be said of all gazongas.

Ro instead of Kira would have changed so much more than just actresses. Ro was Starfleet. Kira was whatever she was.