Theodore K. Mullins

That's so weird… like… the last time I… went scuba diving… while eating… Captain Crunch… same

Let Bartlett be Bartlet!

"Losing My Religion" is sampled on "Heaven."

How could you give such a low rating to an album with classic lyrics like "somewhere in America, Miley Cyrus is still twerking"??

or Canada.

Sorkin may reuse lines, character relationships, names, storylines, etc… but I don't care.
I love the man's work. The West Wing and The Social Network are two of the best things ever.

I'm kind of embarrassed to know this*, but they've had 2 movies other than the black & white one. They had Trailer Park Boys: The Movie, and Trailer Park Boys: Countdown to Liquor Day.

There will definitely be other nominees that are less deserving than Girls is.
The Big Bang Theory? Modern Family?

That's hilarious.

The Oscar Bait Formerly Known As The Butler

No, call it "The Social Network." It's cleaner. Like The Netflick!

He's here, he's queer, now he's over here!


I can't wait to see Sack Lunch. I want to know if the bag is really big or if they're really small!

The episode synopses got increasingly lazy and unhelpful over the season!
It's weird that Matt Weiner has such secretive "on the next…" clips and episode descriptions and asks critics to avoid spoilers, yet he talked about how nobody was going to die this season.

He probably had the best line delivery of that whole movie.

With all that ambiguity, you basically just wrote an "on the next Mad Men."

I was really hoping that this movie would be good. Glad to see a good review.
I don't really like action movies unless they don't take themselves seriously and are really stupid (Crank, later Fast & Furious, etc.)
And I don't care what you say, Channing Tatum is a good actor. 21 Jump Street gave him a lot of goodwill in

That first audience shot was hilarious.
