
She did a "Random Roles" elsewhere in these pages.

That's great news. Thanks!

Sickest reference, by Cumming when he's about to sabotage DuJour's plane: "Time to drive the Chevy to the levee."

What do you mean by "next week"? The last time I heard anything about Kay Hanley, a few years ago, she was one of Miley Cyrus' backup singers - this is "Hannah Montana"-era Miley - and that depressed the hell out of me. Is L2C actually back?

I love love love this album and I don't care who knows it. And I wouldn't have paid any attention to it, or the movie, at all if the first trailer wasn't simply a montage cut to "Three Small Words." (Although my goofy grin nowadays comes in part from imagining Tara Reid actually trying to play those drums in the

This is what struck me about this montage (and I liked the movie and I love her): every one of those lines is the result of Paul Feig saying "Cut, let's do another one" and having the entire crew reset, go "back to One," encouraging her to "say something different," and doing another take. Maybe ten to fifteen

Man, "One False Move"… Many years ago I read an interview with Paul Schrader, and he made a point about violent movies that I've never forgotten (and hardly anyone ever follows nowadays). He said that you should always put your worst violence first, at the beginning of the movie, because the audience will see right

What I've always wanted to know about the directors who do the live show of SNL is whether they actually work with actors, or is it just staging and camera placement? Who coaches the host on performance - is it just the writers who explain the basic premises? Or does the director actually get one-on-one time with

But check this out: here in Jacksonville there's a great alt-content theatre called the Sun-Ray, and not only will they be live-streaming the third debate, they've got Barry Crimmins from "Call Me Lucky" live in the theatre riffing on it!

Seriously, that is a VERY well-made trailer.

I would rank this moment with the key twist in "The Manchurian Candidate" as the most holy-crap-audience-gasps experience I've ever had in a theatre.

I've been trying to find that Copeland arrangement for DECADES. Thanks. But who in the world are the other two composers besides Schifrin - unless they're the people who actually wrote lyrics to the song ("Fly away / Disappear / I'll be there / Waiting") ?

I wouldn't be surprised if Hammond moves back into the main cast, if only to do Trump and Clinton. I always got the sense that he was a soloist rather than an ensemble player - he rarely played supporting roles and would usually be standing off to the side when there were full-cast sketches.

My faves, so far unmentioned: "Acela," "'92 Subaru," "Bright Future In Sales," "The Girl I Can't Forget," "M-M-M-M-M-Maureen"… Incidentally, when I heard that Schlesinger was producing the new Monkees album I knew I had to hear it - and there's such a FoW feel to the writing that I kept guessing wrong as to which

Back in "The Day," when TV Guide actually published paragraphs in its listings to describe the episodes (and guest cast lists underneath!), their take on this episode was simple and elegant: "Is knowledge, alone, wisdom?"

And when are we gonna get Season 2 of "Manhattan"?

I'm really happy I saw "All Is Lost" in a theatre - not so much for the images but for the SOUND. If I had other things I could have been listening to while watching the movie at home, I would have lost the subtle creakings and water-lappings and wind sounds (never easy to capture convincingly) that made me feel like

The "great direction" of that whisper scene was the work of Phil Alden Robinson, a GW first-timer, I believe - who directed "Field of Dreams" and "Sneakers."

On the Blu-ray of "An Affair of the Heart" (the trailer's at http://www.youtube.com/watc… there's a bonus feature where he shows off the Turkish "Head Man" figure.

Okay, so the latest comment is 13 days ago, but I've just seen the film alone at a matinee screening in Grand Rapids, Michigan - I'm astonished that it played here at all - and I absolutely loved it. Part of being alone in a theatre is that you can laugh your ass off and no one will care - good thing, because during