
No, I'm sorry, we have pushed that number up to 45. everytime they mention based on a novel by Sapphire, take a shot

wow. just wow. incest is bad, m'kay

Glitter 2: Revenge of the Glitter Returns

Chaos rocks!! I like a woman who works out. I'm in the gym 3 days a week, and I see nothing wrong with a woman doing the same. so I agree with Joanne

Ha Ha


I wear converse!

I hear ya Tarkovskys , but women are starting to buy into the idea of tattoos as a means of self-expression. a kind of shorthand for insight into their personality traits. tattoo = non-conformist individual. push them, they kick arse and so on. bettie paige was a hottie and she had interesting hobbies.

Love is fleeting. a chemical reaction rooted in the pleasures centers of the brain. Love is liking someone for who they are.

what are the rules of dating?
I hear the 3rd date is a myth. sitcoms claim it like the gospel but it depends on the woman. and what if you're shy, chicks don't dig that. why did all the hot women date jerks in college?

Been watching it since the first ep, when I found out Bruce Campbell was in it. It reminds me of some shows from the 80s, like macgyer meets Miami vice. Also Fi is super hot.

eastern promises is awesome. I like it a little more than history of violence.

Is an indie rocker considered emo now? I'm confused with these music genre, in best buy all these cds are in the rock/pop/r&b section.

Someone alert the media, Moesha has gone missing. We suspect she's been Taken. Round the clock CNN coverage starting now

daughters are very marketable, sons are not as popular, maybe there's a increase in urgency. don't know. but it took them forever to find the son in Ransom, and I think in the trailer it seem like he beat up half of paris just to find her. if that was a son, it would have provoke a overly-protective reaction from the

Luc Besson also wrote The Transporter, Unleased, Kiss of the dragon and District 13. These were all fairly decent action pictures with a midly creative story, shining like diamonds in the rough in these D-level quality times in hollywood. I might take a gander, but it's time for luc to direct a sequel to The 5th

Six? is that chick from the parkers? she's cute, with attitude. she talked so fast on blossom, that's how suv drivers talk now. i prefer my so called life to this show, althought it's a drama

the strokes are awesom……oh wait, on second listen, this isn't the strokes.

Savage Love is insightful and informative, fulfilling an universal curiousity of a sexual nature.

Gearshift this beeotch. Adaptation rules for the 20 second montage of the beginning of the earth starting with the big bang. I think he uses it as as starting point for the the screenplays about friggin orchids, that they adapting to their environment as a means for survival, kinda like donald did as he evolves as a