
I have been lurking around these parts of late (Derek and I are twinsies!) after catching up on Teen Wolf recently but this episode was too good to not chime in. Everything with the Stilinski-McCall relationships, especially the boys, was perfect. This show consistently does familial relations really well. That hug

I was just about to say the same thing. If it were in Old English, we would probably need a dictionary to translate a good portion. Although I wholeheartedly support any Old English revival on AV Club.
…some of us may have taken Old English for college language requirements instead of, you know, learning something

I think you're partly right - I remember the incredibly awkward family dinner in the pilot when Oliver announces he realizes Walter is sleeping with Moira as a good example when that stiffness was probably an acting choice. But to me, Amell greatly improved over the course of the season.

My (few) frustrations with Felicity are fixable. I think Felicity's patter is sometimes excessive, and while I like that she rightly calls out Oliver when he is in the wrong, I think he and Diggle should point out her biases more often too when they pop up — for example, Oliver was right to investigate Barry last

I should note that the action scenes aren't the only reason why I like the show, but they really make Arrow stand out from everything else that I watch.

This show really took me by surprise. First off, Stephen Amell vastly improved - he wasn't bad in the beginning, but really grew into the role. The pace of the show is great. The characters (with the glaring exception of Laurel) are believable and specific - I agree with this review on that. The trio of

This is my standout scene. I honestly can't think of a better 2-3 minutes this year. Everything is so sharp. The dialogue, the cadence, the performances, everything.

I don't see why the Flash announcement would make you judge the current episodes negatively, though. Apprehension is understandable, but it is unfair to judge the present material by a press announcement of a future character that might turn out to be great.

Six - Snowpiercer is based on a french graphic novel. Also, I'm dying for it to be released.

So, so good. I'm giddy just thinking about it.

Tim's IED conversation with Colt is probably my standout moment. Suspenseful, hilarious, character revealing. That episode as a whole is just an abundance of riches. Great Boyd-Raylan stuff.

The writing for Justified was snubbed too. Each character's dialogue is distinct. Plus, they combine suspense and humor in the best way.

These are my main complaints. Justified was fantastic this year - if they can't spare an acting nom for Olyphant or Goggins, they should have given a guest acting nom to Beaver or O'Malley. And a writing nomination for "Decoy."