
Kyle Kinane is going to be the next Louis CK.

Kyle Kinane is going to be the next Louis CK.

Really liked this episode.

Really liked this episode.



You're putting Crosby way too low here. But props for recognizing that Nora needs to get her shit together after this week.

You're putting Crosby way too low here. But props for recognizing that Nora needs to get her shit together after this week.

Sarah really is just the worst in this episode. Like, beyond typical Sarah worst-ness.

Sarah really is just the worst in this episode. Like, beyond typical Sarah worst-ness.

Not even the motel scene. The scene in Amber's apartment when she offers to go with him as he holds her hand.

Not even the motel scene. The scene in Amber's apartment when she offers to go with him as he holds her hand.

yeah, everything I picked up with my limited Spanish fluency was casual kids just playing stuff.

yeah, everything I picked up with my limited Spanish fluency was casual kids just playing stuff.

why can't it be a photo of both grandparents?

why can't it be a photo of both grandparents?

I like this idea a lot, based on the notion that they will be a team and not just siblings that fight.

I like this idea a lot, based on the notion that they will be a team and not just siblings that fight.

Only read this column to see if anyone is as fucked up as I am.

Only read this column to see if anyone is as fucked up as I am.