Roger Sterling

Anyone else had the Triscuits that are Wasabi & Soy Sauce? After having one or two of them I thought they were great but once you get into that area of having 10 of them I wanted to vomit. The really need to have a piece of cheese on them and even at that I wouldn't want more than say 5. I surprised that people at the

I'll be "that person" but for me the decline was the series of hour long episodes to start Season 4 and Michael kidnapping the pizza boy.

Her and I open a brothel together.

And she uttered the last lines on the show.

I remember hearing about that line (might have been an episode commentary) that Steve had to say it "biatch" to get it past the censors or something.

I was just reminded of all the coin money that is used in Harry Potter and that vault of random gold stuff that the trio broke in to. I honestly think their economy is based on trinkets.

Ready Kafka?

For sure. MSPC was a great arc.

I've always thought that a "three season" edit of the show after Season 4 would be a good idea but have never bothered to figure out what episodes need to stay and what needs to go.

I just realized you could say those two quotes in Roger Sterling's voice and they very well could have been said by Roger.

"A lot of jazz cats are blind, but they can play the piano like nobody's business. I'd like to put the piano in front of Pam without her glasses and see what happens. I'd also like to see her topless."

I will definitely buy a John Belushi inspired one.


Note: Posting this this a month after the review.

This is just straight plagiarism from my book!

No love for Medal of Honor games? MOH: Allied Assault was spectacular.

Abrams' Kirk is different than TOS Kirk because Romulans, bro.

"An hour long shower with guys." - Michael Scott

I never Pegged you for a pun-man.

Get back to work!