
I know we've barely spent any time with Don, but my heart was breaking for him through that entire scene. As sad as it is that Elizabeth is sacrificing what's likely her only real friendship in years, it's worse that she's doing it to such a genuinely good family. That one of Don's last statements before passing out

Just curious, did anyone else come away from the cold open in "Inflatable" feeling like Pa McGill's debt was at least partly his own fault? Young Jimmy has a line about how every grifter in town knows he's an easy target—perhaps Chuck has been scapegoating Jimmy for years based on blissful ignorance about his father's

Speaking of Kavalier & Clay, they need to hurry the fuck up and make this into a show already so they can cast Ben Feldmen as Clay before he ages out of the role.

I'm so glad I'm not the only Roxy Music fan who took over a decade to realize what "2HB" (aka my favorite song of theirs) is about. 16-year-old me blindly accepted that it was about pencils.

Glad to see The Bone Clocks at the top of the list as it was easily one of my favorites of the year. Colorless Tsukuru disappointed me, but then again I'm a sucker for Murakami's more surreal narratives (Hardboiled Wonderland and the End of the World is my personal favorite.)

I met Ryan Adams the day before my 17th birthday. I somehow worked up the courage to ask him for an autograph, and he was gracious and talkative and basically cemented my ongoing admiration for him. My only regret is that too-cool-for-school teenaged me was afraid to tell him how old I was actually turning, so I lied

I unabashedly love North. I don't give a fuck that everyone shits all over it, I still think it's hilarious and Elijah Wood is great in it.

First of all, didn't everybody lose their shit during that Toy Story 2 sequence (god damnit, Sarah McLachlan!). Second, About Time made me sob like a baby at the end and was actually a pretty decent movie all around.

You had me until the Dinosaurs soundtrack, which was a legit jam of mine and my sister's in elementary school. That "we wouldn't turn into fuel" line has been stuck in my head since 1992.

This doesn't count because it came out 13 years ago (!!!), but The Royal Tenenbaums is one of my personal favorite incest stories:

I share my name with a little girl from a very famous 80s horror film (four words: "go towards the light") but it's actually a blessing in disguise because the only way to keep people from fucking it up is to remind them of the movie, and then they know exactly what my name is.

Eh I'd be more excited if the leads were women this time like Pizzolatto teased they would be.

Best line of the ep: "WHY MUST IT ALWAYS BE PANDEMONIUM??" Nelson George Mueller Van Alden ftw.

I wonder if the author realizes that The Cardinals weren't formed until several years after both "New York, New York" and "Come Pick Me Up" were recorded (very much solo).

"Summerbaby" is one of my favorite songs, but I had the exact same experience with that line—probably the only time I've ever preferred the sanitized version.

Stunned that Dear Zachary was left off of this list. It was the first doc that came to mind when I read the title, and one of the most affecting films I've ever seen.

Beyond pissed about the Tatiana Maslany snub. Also wondering why they nominated "So Did the Fat Lady" over "In the Woods" for Louie. The former was good, but the latter was one of the strongest episodes of any show this season.

That's my favorite Bash Brother!

Legit sad to see Todd go. Best TV reviews on this and any site. Best of luck to you, good sir!

Fun fact: Jack Black introduced the White Stripes at the MTV Movie Awards back in like 2002. Miraculously, we survived the ensuing antimatter explosion…OR DID WE?