Pauline Kale

When the pawn breaks and conspires an armor and her sullen and aborted currents breed tiny monsters, true sailing is dead; awkward instant and the first animal is jettisoned, legs furiously pumping their stiff green gallop, and heads bob up, poise, delicate, pause, consent, in mute nostril agony, carefully refined and

When the pawn breaks and conspires an armor and her sullen and aborted currents breed tiny monsters, true sailing is dead; awkward instant and the first animal is jettisoned, legs furiously pumping their stiff green gallop, and heads bob up, poise, delicate, pause, consent, in mute nostril agony, carefully refined and

I use shorthand

I use shorthand



When I was twelve years old I was biking with my buddy to nature-y parts of the city purely in the pursuit of discarded pornography.

When I was twelve years old I was biking with my buddy to nature-y parts of the city purely in the pursuit of discarded pornography.

I know I sound like an idiot, but I don't really like this particular brand of throwback movies.

I know I sound like an idiot, but I don't really like this particular brand of throwback movies.

"There is only ONE Tall Man…. ME!" - Oskar Tallman

"There is only ONE Tall Man…. ME!" - Oskar Tallman

"Give a man a handjob and you satisfy him for a day. Teach a man to give himself a handjob and you satisfy him for a lifetime."

"Give a man a handjob and you satisfy him for a day. Teach a man to give himself a handjob and you satisfy him for a lifetime."

I'd show her something borrowed, if you know what I mean.

I'd show her something borrowed, if you know what I mean.

I'd hit it…

I'd hit it…

Our little Gosling is becoming a Goose.

Our little Gosling is becoming a Goose.