Captain Peacock

It's an interesting idea - I actually got into Django Reinhardt through Willie Nelson.

This tribute album is a must own. I second the Wilco cover and I'm also partial to the Steve Earle / Chris Hillman version of "High Fashion Queen" - I'd even go so far as to say that it's an improvement on the original.

First Quarter Curse?
I was just curious - when it comes time for music critics to tabulate their year-end best-ofs, are albums released in the first quarter adversely affected placement-wise due to listener fatigue, the passage of time, staleness, etc.? Neko Case, M. Ward and Vetiver have all released "year-end

The name of the Austin club: the late great Armadillo World Headquarters

It seems that EW has dumbed it down during the last year or so - it's almost to the level of People or Us. . .

When it comes to drunk sing-alongs, I'd say "Family Tradition" wins by a hair because you get to answer Hank Jr. in the chorus with "TO GET DRUNK!" "TO GET STONED!" etc.

I'd recommend starting with Willie Nelson's Greatest Hits (and Some That Will Be) and then working your way through Phases and Stages and Shotgun Willie.

@ Cmndr_X - The Be Good Tanya's version of "Waitin' Around To Die" was featured on this week"s ep of Breaking Bad.

@ Miller - I second your nomination for the Possum's version of "The King Is Gone (So Are You)." Highly recommended. "Last night I broke the seal, on a Jim Beam decanter that looked like Elvis. I soaked the label off a Flintstone jelly bean jar. . . '

Remember the Record Rack?