
And then Fish Mooney emerges… The lone survivor.

In last week's episode…. This show has some pacing issues.

Quite the contrary. While some fans may not have enjoyed it, it was clearly critic bait and is receiving good reviews all around the board. Personally I liked it, and it will certainly be one of the episodes submitted.

I know most people think that the dream ending where everyone gets off easy is a season or two prior to this episode, but I think that if Walt's story had ended with him spending his last year or so working with Gale (the greatest human being ever) then almost everyone would have gotten off well. Jesse wasn't as

Well I liked it… I thought it was the strongest episode in a loooong time. I wish MF would experiment more often.

It was a joke dude…

You really didn't pay attention did you? The Silence were always part of the a Church, and it was a rogue batch who invaded Earth. Almost everything you said was just… Wrong. This was a great sendoff,better than The End of Time and (date I say it?) Parting of the Ways. I get that it's your opinion and whatnot, but

You know, it actually gets better every time you watch it. I'd give it an 'A', because when you think about Matt Smith's Doctor, an old man trying to be a child again, with adventures more bizarre than any others and a massive rogues gallery, this really is the perfect send off.