
Why does Comedy Central have the episode title changed to Cryogenics, Lightning, Prank? That kinda kills the surprise,don't it?

Myles Barlow goes places Forrest didn't even dare to.

Wow, this totally was my replacement for Breaking Bad ALL ALONG.

Yeah, I watched Review with Myles Barlow a few summers ago. I really enjoyed it despite it's completely fucked up ways haha. The endings I now realize are somewhat similar. Both men stuck in their delusion that the show still exists but one more harrowing than the other.

Shit, I might just buy the entire series on Amazon or hold hope for a blu ray complete edition with bonus footage. I only own the season 2 finale, Conspiracy Theory since I loved that episode and wanted it in case Review never returned but luckily, it did.

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I thought that was the endgame for the prank reveal but nah, Grant kept that to himself.

I think he was playing it up like he's as delusional as Forrest MacNeil.

Grant's probably walking on two feet with a shit eating grin, drinking his coffee, and enjoying his promotion.

I've heard some wild reviews that got rejected. One where Forrest ends up taking Eric to a Pedophilia camp and one where he runs for office but he also has breast implants from the prior review…

I swear to God, I thought a lighting rig was gonna fall down mid credits or something. That or he was gonna get hit by a car mid the pranking segment. But thankfully, I was wrong.

Damn, this episode went places. I want to give a shout out to Phil Lloyd, I had a feeling we'd get a Myles to Forrest connection to end the show. As for the ending, I'm satisfied by the meta commentary Daly went for but also that they didn't go for the darkest ending and went with a more lighthearted ending. Andy

Holy fuck.

All I can say is thank God they change the design of Mary, she was nightmare fuel in the original concept.

Thought that through the entire movie, she's totally getting a Razzie nomination.

Darkest spectrum: What's it like to kill yourself.

At least I think he now understands reviews can be interpreted differently.

I caught that too lol.

*sees picture of former vice president Joe Biden*