


That show really did a lot for krill people.

"There's a Panic? At the Disco?"

Just a cautious tale: DO NOT watch this entire season in one day. It's Too Much, Man! Too Much…

Fuck off 2016 :(

Fuck yeah Wet Hot American Summer.

He would have been great. Because Andy Daly is delightful!

I enjoy Match Game 2016 but damn, I hope the questions get better.

Fuck Yeah Tribeca S3! And wow congrats to Wrecked, I enjoy it but I thought they'd be one and done and Animal Kingdom is great but damn does it get graphic and porny.

Man, why did Brohemian Rhapsody have to be a joke song. It starts off sooo strong.

Morning Drew like Morning Dew only with more pizzaz

Michael Gladis is one of the worst villains I've ever seen.

Is a new regime coming to AV Club or what?

"The only Joe you'll be cupping is the Prison Warden!"

I already miss the write up for Wednesday's Another Period…

Well it was nice reading your coverage of the show while you could, Dennis. Shame to see all the coverage go away to some well received shows by the community but what can you do.

wtf noooo don't stop coverage, this show is wild and I love it. And I grin every time You Might Think comes on because I fucking love The Cars and that damn song is infectious as a screwworm!

Also every time I see that punk kid, I'm like "dammit , not him again" BUT in like a good way because he may be young but the kid has "douchebag" down to a tee. He'll make a great foil in future roles. Hopefully puberty is kind to him…

Damn no more coverage. I guess I'll have my final thoughts. Leggero and Lindhome are wonderful as Beatrice and Lillian. I think this might be one of my favorite roles for Michael Ian Black and damn was that a peculiar hatchet wound or what…I don't even.