
"The Larry David franchise".

Also glad Abbi and Trey finally happened, it was a long time coming. Wish they had hooked up though but baby steps, I suppose.

The minute he walked out, I shouted at my TV "GEEENNNEEE"

Well, it was nice to see Demetri Martin for a short while. Indeed, what did happen to the plot line between Jess and the attorney played by John Cho…

Man, I gotta say the Arian Foster and Jeff Ross cameos completely came out of left field for me.

That's what I was going for lmao.

I recall another toilet humor sketch for Jonah Hill in another episode he hosted. He was on a game show and he was the culprit of overflowing the contestants bathroom. Damn SNL really just write him off as "big guy who shits his pants a lot". Jonah deserves better.

Sisterhood of the Traveling Ants was hilarious too but I'm waiting for the "That's How You Get Ants" Truck.

Jacob Tremblay as young Phil lmao. Deez Knots was a solid pun and I knew this episode was gonna be full Mike Miller. I'm surprised they finally showed the bodies and then next week, Viking funeral for an old "friend". This show is fantastic.

I lost it at the high chair bit. Wanda Sykes and Jordan Peele were excellently casted as the Sofa Queen and Jester. And Keegan Michael Key was the bartender apparently. So we got Key and Peele and Wanda Sykes all in one! Boyoingyoingyoing!

I think Eddie is slowly becoming my favorite minor character.

I should've known that Ilana's bike helmet was a wig. Still got a laugh.

Yep. Solid reference.

Man this episode had everything: Old man Squints, Naked Pill Scrounging, Vanessa Williams, Intense Competition, Dog Clothing, Salad Fingers, Mr. Hands, Unnecessary violence, Whoopi fucking Goldberg, Wacky Waving Inflatable Balloon Man and Crazy child Abbi. Fuckin A, Broad City. FUCKING A!

I hate how much I could relate to Gus' conversation with his friends over the phone in the bathroom…

Seriously we're only two episodes into Season 3 and this show is exceeding my expectations, there's nowhere to go but wall twerking upwards.

I lost it when she fell over and knocked over all those organic beans she had just stacked well. That and her vocal lesson with Ilana were tops for me.

Oh that's who that was. Thanks, it was driving me crazy trying to place her in my head.

Josh Posey probably hates Bob Saget.

Wow I have so many questions about this title pic that I don't know what to say…