
Josh Charles was fantastic, he's really good at comedy.

She's really stepped it up from Season 1 to Season 2. The Willy Nilly discussion was hilarious.

Lennon Parham was delightful as always here. And the Willy Nilly joke gets five stars!

Holy shit, That ending.

I thought it was Bill Hader in the first flashback for some reason.

Stella Season 2 on Netflix? A dream come true!

I did.

Still wish the track he did on Colbert had a studio version but I guess that's what makes it special.

As a Steve Agee fan, it was good to see him on CBB but as a whole episode, it was pretty bland. Kid Cudi seems to be coming into his own though. Can't wait for Thomas Lennon this Thursday though :D

Does Michael Cera age?

Daly's line delivery sells that line immensely.

Ah yes Narcissism. Perfect.

Well I binge watched Review with Myles Barlow two weeks ago, it's a sensational dark comedy if I've ever seen one. Episode 2 alone deals with Murder, I shit you not. One episode deals with killing an Australian TV personality, Myles Barlow is batshit crazy compared to Forrest MacNeil. Hell, even his take on Divorce

True but then again, Myles Barlow did some things I don't think we're even going to touch on with Forrest MacNeil.

I wish Forrest would do mini reviews like Myles Barlow did.

His devotion to the show and getting the review done at all cost border on him being a sociopath.

I would spoil a tidbit about next week's episode but I'll just say more naughty ebooks are on the horizon.

The show gets 5 stars from Blitzrules240. Let's just go over some hilarious highlights from tonight alone.

I've been watching these episodes one at a time instead of binge watching multiple episodes at once and I must say it's a refreshing change of pace, it seems more like I'm watching a weekly TV show instead of a movie.

I really don't like that kid and I think that's just a good indication he's a damn fine young actor. Absolute villain.