
[strange giggle]

fucking Brett Gelman.

"I guess I have to give you points" Dammit Chris, if its not funny, don't award it points.


Irish was by far my favorite review because of how committed he was to his job and his craft that he went with the Irish accent through the entire bit.

I'm personally surprised no one has tried and take a swing at Fielder for all the shenanigans he does. And I respect the man but damn does he push it lol.

Pancakes, Divorce, Pancakes from Review is still tops for me. That was a dark gem of a comedy feat.

Elias was the Rivers Cuomo of Coffee Shop Owners.

I love this show so much. And the extended and uncensored episodes they started adding are gold. I'm in this for the long haul but I seriously wonder the shelf life of this show for Comedy Central.

Very late bump but he finally won on Tuesday night when he defeated Weird Al and Reggie Watts. I was baffled but I feel like Weird Al took a dive for him. Also Reggie Watts was motherfucking hilarious so I hope he comes back.

That and the "You're under arrest for doing great business" line had me roaring.

Another highlight for me was Nathan's spit takes after he has the unfortunate bird droppings splash into his mouth.


Nathan Fielder is totally a ladies man in real life though right? RIGHT?

That's my favorite part too!

The Focus Group was by far the best segment this episode.

Noel Wells' Nancy Grace impression was god awful but damn was she cute and quirky.

The wee baby Seamus.

Give this man his own TV show!

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