
This by far was the most unrealistic thing Dwight has ever done.  I mean really….

Man, I haven't laughed this hard at a Parks episode in awhile.  Everything was Gold.  A- for me.

Todd, the Balloon Guide was Sara Bareilles who is best known for the chart topping song "Love Song".

Woody needs a spin off dammit.

Just making an observation.  He was on Mindy Project on Tuesday and now here he is as Zack the prospected buyer on Modern Family.  Back to Back nights of Holm!

I'm kind of getting tired of Axl's shtick.  I mean yes,  I get it,  it's his character but his douche level is going through the roof these past few episodes.

I think I love Jane Levy…

*looks at posters*

Rob Riggle and his catchphrases "YOU'VE BEEN THORPEDOED"

Anders Holm has invaded my television the past few nights… it's like I can't escape him.

I was about to say we haven't seen his "girlfriend" in a long time…

Winston is losing his damn mind.

Hey don't forget ABC's wacky Spring diving competition SPLASH is on tonight!  LOUIE ANDERSON HAS TO ATTEMPT A FLIP PEOPLE!  THIS IS MUST SEE TELEVISION!

This is the Best Worst Kevin Bacon fronted show I've ever seen!

I really wanted to see the Triple F

According to Todd, he actually loves this damn show.

I'm hoping The Following gets the magical third F.

He's in The Internship with his buddy Owen Wilson in a few weeks.

Oh also can't wait for Vince Vaughn to play Vince Vaughn next week.

Seems like Bill Hader is the go to game show host guy.  Is it just me or is he ALWAYS the host of the game show.  I mean I love when they do game show sketches and the only exception I can think of (this season) is Waltz being the host of "What Have You Become"