
Glad to see the review for the finale on here.  Gotta be honest at first,  I didn't like the Neighbors but more and more, the dialogue got wittier and sharper and the plots got more hilarious.  Simon Templeman is a scholar and a gentlemen.

The S'mores scene.

J.G. Quintel is my hero.

Well said Mindless.  I would not mind more of Shane,  she seems like she could be a solid character.

Is it just me or is Morgan the best character on this show…

Well it is Odette Annable who I loved on Breaking In (underrated show though the 2nd season kinda went off the script) and the more I think about it, she might be back as Nick's wrench.

I'm guessing Shane is one and done and we'll never see her again?

The whole hardware scene was gold.

Britta with Glasses HHHHNNNNGGGGGG

That lucky bastard.

Man I love when they make references to the Mentalist.  Also was I the only one thinking Gus' girl was going to be the killer in the typical  "Gus Luck"  mentality.  Glad they finally gave him a steady girlfriend.

Solid Episode.  The guy who played the head network executive,  I know his voice (he's also been the Ford salesman in the New Girl episode "Models"  and was also in those Jello commercials for the Mayan apocalypse.  I don't know his name sadly but he's a great character actor imo.

This episode didn't do anything for me.  I just wasn't into whatever Kevin Hart was selling.  His sandwich monologue was AWFUL imo.

Though I still give this episode a B-

I'm kinda with Todd.  This has been more of a smirk smugly season than an uncontrollable laughing season so far.

The Neighbors grew on me tremendously.  I hated it at first but now I find it mildly amusing.

I cracked up that the memorial video had so little pictures of him they used his driver license picture.

"I'm in love with Carmen"

What's the deal with people having sex in the wake of tragedy.  My brother just died,  okay let's fuck.

Anybody remember Dan Harmon from Acceptable TV?  That's where I remember Dan Harmon, then I found out about Community and was like oh shit it's the dude from Acceptable TV!