Red Gorilla

Not Michele Bachmann or Rush Limbaugh terrible, mind-you, but bad enough.

Kidding aside, Sheen really is a terrible person.

Sometimes I forget just how funny this guy is..  


Curious about the twist ending.  Can we have a spoiler space for this one?  Or can someone just spoil it?

Agreed.  I'd add all the endings in that book into one - the ring, the scouring of the shire, the grey havens and even the epilogue.

No one is reading anymore, but my points:

Yeah, as a Bostonian I really appreciate the approach this week..

Best of luck, Scott, and thanks.

I don't get it.  I like her just fine.  

"Because it already cheats by having a humanoid dude like Guy co-exist with cavemen"
Um, actually neanderthal and homo sapiens co-existed for tens of thousands of years.  They were a parallel species, not our ancestors.

Awesome!  Comment of the day.

Wow.  And I thought "Another Earth" sucked.  This sounds monumentally stupid.

FC3 is an awesome game, especially if you like open-world, figure-out-your-own-strategy kind of games..

Somehow I think I know LESS about this one after reading the spoiler space..

Love this movie.

Hey Daffy Dick, this isn't a place for right-wingers.  Go away and take your tinfoil hat with you.

Pink Floyd's "Summer of '68" should be on this list.

Also "Fever Pitch" when the Red Sox actually won the world series..

Until these two actually acknowledge all of the other countries in the world that fought in that war, I'm not interested.  The movies make it seem like it's USA USA USA! vs. the bad guys and that's a whole lot of bullshit.